Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in Bihar

Bihar's climatic and topographical conditions make it favourable for the growth of allied sectors in the state. 

The growing importance of allied sectors such as fisheries, animal husbandry and dairy farming in Bihar is largely due to its role in supporting livelihoods. As labour-intensive sectors, they employ a large segment of the population and help the poor rural households in earning supplementary income.

The Department of Animal and Fisheries Resources has brought out a Livestock Master Plan (LMP) for the years 2018-19 to 2022-23 to augment production and marketing of milk, meat, eggs, and fish to meet their growing demand.

■ Fisheries

Bihar has around 3.8% of its geographical area endowed with water resource, which offers adequate water bodies such as rivers, ponds, lakes, reservoirs and floodplain wetlands for the development of fisheries and aquatic biodiversity.

During 2019-20, the share of fisheries and aquaculture in Primary Sector GSDP was about 8% in Bihar. 

Fish production in the state steadily increased from 5.07 lakh tonnes in 2015-16 to 6.41 lakh tonnes in 2019-20, registering a growth rate of 6.58%.

The highest production of fish was recorded in Madhubani (0.76 lakh tonnes).

Government Initiatives:

• State Government is extending technical and financial assistance for setting up fish seed hatcheries.

•In 2019-20, about 13,727 lakh fish seeds have been distributed to increase fish production in the state. Madhubani received the highest fish seeds.

• Government is training farmers to intensify the production of quality fish seeds using modern technology.

•Insurance schemes are undertaken for the welfare of fishermen.

• Non-conventional aquatic systems ( such as irrigation canal for aquaculture) are also used to enhance fish and fish seed production.


 Biofloc Fish Farming:

Objective: To maker farmers more aware of the new technique of fisheries.

  • Under this scheme, the Biofloc unit along with inputs for fisheries will be provided with a grant of 50% to the general category and 75% to SC/ST and EBC.
  • The fisheries sector in Bihar can develop in areas of high-water density
  • Fish production can be carried out even in limited space
  • Higher productivity rate
  • Use less amount of water
  • Reduces environmental impact
  • Promote health by providing animal protein
  • Generate new employment opportunities 
  • Augment the income of farmers.

Biofloc Technology (BFT)

Biofloc Technology is an environment-friendly aquaculture technique based on in-situ microorganism production. 

Biofloc is the suspended growth in ponds/tanks which is the aggregates of living and dead particulate organic matter, phytoplankton, bacteria and grazers of the bacteria.

The principle of this technique is the generation of nitrogen cycle by maintaining higher C:N ratio through stimulating heterotrophic microbial growth, which assimilates the nitrogenous waste that can be exploited by the cultured spices as a feed. BFT can be used in wastewater treatment or to provide nutrition to aquatic animal.


■ Chief Minister Integrated Wetland Development Scheme:

Objective: To develop fisheries in the wetlands in an integrated manner, which will enhance the employment of farmers, directly and indirectly.

Salient features: 
  • Under this scheme, fish farming will be encouraged through the construction of ponds. 
  • Priority will be given to traditional fishermen
  • New modern technologies will be adopted by farmers 
  • It will increase fisheries production and productivity
  • Enhance farmers income.
  • Provide new dimensions of employment 
  • Improve the rural economy.

■ Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY)

■ Animal Husbandry and Dairying

The Animal Husbandry and Dairying sector have an important position in the overall economic development of the state as well as in the field of employment. Livestock products are an important source of protein and other nutrients, which are crucial to minimize the malnourishment levels in the state.

■ Livestock

• In 2019-20, the contribution of livestock to state's GSDP stood at 6%.

• The livestock population in Bihar increased from 32.9 million to 36.5 million from 2012 to 2019, registering a growth of 10.67%.

• As per the Livestock Census of 2019, the milch animals constituted about 63.18% of the total livestock population.

• The population of cattle was 153.11 lakh (42.00%) and it was higher than that of buffaloes at 77.20 lakh (21.18 percent) in 2019. 

• The poultry population registered a growth of 18.31%, increasing from 139.68 lakh in 2003 to 165.25 lakh in 2019.

Livestock-poultry-population- Bihar-India

• As outlined in the Bihar Livestock Master Plan, the Pashu Swasthya Raksha Pakhwara and National Livestock Disease Control Programme are aimed to protect the animals against various infectious diseases.

• Several vaccination campaigns are being conducted as per the calendar and four important vaccinations i.e., HSBQ (Haemorrhagic Septicaemia and Blackquarter), F MDCP ( Foot and Mouth Disease Control Programme-caused by Aphthovirus ), Brucellosis (bacterial infection) and PPR(Peste Des Petits Ruminants- viral vaccine) are given under the National Livestock Health and Disease Control Programme to protect against various infectious diseases.

Vaccination in livestock has increased and about 615.77 lakh were immunized in 2019-20.

■ Dairy 

In Bihar, the growth of dairy farming has been impressive in recent years. Under the aegis of the Bihar State Milk Co-operative Federation Ltd. (COMFED), there has been a steady increase in milk production.

In 2019-20, milk production in the state was recorded at 104.83 lakh tonnes. The increase in milk production can be attributed to high milk-yielding capacity of crossbred cattle.

Patna district recorded the highest total milk production (5.4 lakh tonnes).

■ Poultry:

The poultry development programme envisages strengthening poultry, meat and egg production in the state.

• Egg

In 2019-20, the total egg production in Bihar stood at 274.08 crores, registering a growth rate of 28.06% during the last five years.


Meat production has shown a steady increase and was recorded at 3.83 lakh tonnes in 2019-20.

Government initiatives:

Under the  Agriculture Road Map 2017-2022, following schemes are to be implemented:
  • Poultry Farming Scheme.
  • Goat Development Scheme.
  • Animal Health Care Program.
  • Artificial In Vitro Program.
  • Reinforcement plan of Bihar Livestock Development Agency, Patna.
  • Animal Cruelty Reduction Plan.
  • Scheme for cattle development.
  • Bihar Animal Science University.
  • Animal Health and Production Institute.
  • Scheme of training.
  • Veterinary services and animal health schemes.
  • Scheme for the purchase of fifty new ambulatory vans.
  • Scheme of fodder production and monitoring.

Other initiatives:

• For better conservation of indigenous breeds of cattle, Gokul Gram is being established at Dumraon in Buxar district.

•One of the largest frozen semen stations has been constructed with a production capacity of 50 lakh frozen semen straws per annum in Purnea. This will cater to the demand for semen doses of eastern and northeastern states.

• Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the State Government has generated employment and provided nutritional support for the poor through the rearing of small livestock and poultry through free distribution of three breedable goat units and distribution of chicks at a subsidized rate through JEEVIKA.


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